Gabriel Garcia Marquez


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Magical Realism
Magical Realism
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         Gabriel Garcia Marquez is known to be the master of magical realism where he usually applies his magical ideas as metaphors suggesting realistic matters as well as themes that constantly trouble society. In many of his works the author talks about themes such as the abuse of power, cruelty, love, greed and superficiality. Although most of his works mainly apply to third world countries where these themes still characterize their societies, it also applies to everyone at a personal level.

          The author usually uses several of these themes in every story. He explores human characteristics to a further insight where the reader can reflect on his words. Even though most of his stories are fictional they resemble the real world and even emphasizes flaws that the humankind posses but are to blind to see. For example in the short story of “A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings” the reader can reflect and think for a moment on whether sometimes they abuse or they are cruel to those who are abnormal. People tend to see disabled people like if they were from another planet and sometimes laugh without considering the suffering that person must be going through by simply having to accept that they are different. Themes of abuse of power can be found in novels such as No One Writes to the Colonel,  and in the short story “Un Dia de Estos” where political figures abuse of their power to steel from the community because they are greedy and do not care for the well being of the state. Furthermore, the author also talks about love in many of his pieces such as “Love in the Times of Colera”.

        In conclusion, the author writes about general themes that are part of our society, therefore he critics society as a whole through his literary pieces, where the reader can relate to them and find many of their defects as the author brings to light. Many of the things man do wrong but don’t even realize, Gabriel Garcia Marquez highlights them with his fictional stories and magical realism that allows the reader to visualize their flaws, as they relate to the characters and problems of his works.




