Gabriel Garcia Marquez

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     Gabriel Garcia Marquez was born in Aracataca, a northern region of Colombia, on March 6, 1928 to his mother Luisa Santiaga Marquez Iguaran and father Gabriel Eligio Garcia. His parents left him to be raised by his grandparents. By the age of eight his grandparents died forcing him to move back to live with his parents and siblings in Sucre. He won a Scholarship to finish his secondary at Colegio Nacional where he discovered his passion for literature after reading Pablo Neruda, Eduardo Carranza and many other recognized writers. In 1496 he moved to Bogota to study journalism at the Univercidad Nacional, where he began his career as writer by publishing his first short stories.  

     After graduating 'Gabo' bacame a European correspond in Rome and Paris for the Colombian newspaper 'El Espectador' in 1955, but lost his position when the newspaper was closed down by the Dictator Rojas Pinilla. Continuosly he founded "Prensa Latina", a Cuban press agency, and worked in Havanna and New York for the press. In 1958 he married Barcha Pardo who later gave birth to two children. In the 1960s García Márquez moved to Mexico and continnued with his work as a journalist and publicist until the 70s when he left to Barcelona for a couple of years. He returned to Mexico and founded "Fundacion Hebeas, and a film school in Cuba. In 1982 García Márquez went to Colombia.


     Gabriel Garcia Marquez now resides in Colombia, where he represents his country as the best writer of its history. Throughout his visits to other countries and constant change of residence location he continued to write some of the most recognized novels of the modern time, such as Cien Años de Soledad or A hundred Years of Solitude. His unique way of writing classifieying him as the founder and master of the Magical Realism earns him the respect and attention from readers all over the world. He is indeed one of the best writers of all times.

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