The major influence that Gabriel
Garcia Marquez had on World Literature was his style of employing magical realism. He created short stories that usually interconnect
with each other, for example the fictional city of Macondo which first appears on his first short story “Leaf
Storm” This fictional city appears later on many of his future stories and novels such as A hundred years of solitude.
Furthermore, his characteristics of writing influenced many authors such as Isabel Allende who imitated his style in The House
of the Spirits, where she utilizes Magical Realism. He brought to world literature fictional stories that could have easily
been real. He was very descriptive giving his literature pieces credibility. Also, he usually wrote about realistic subjects,
especially those occurring in Colombia,
discussing cultural problems and political issues putting them into fictional stories.
Writers around the world are
influenced by his unique ability of writing; therefore, the whole World literature has been influenced by him. In the new
century Gabriel Garcia Marquez is considered one of the greatest writers alive. His works have been translated to almost every
language that exists around the world. For example, A hundred years of solitude has been translated to about two dozen languages,
and has won the Nobel Prize of Literature. Although he was influenced by authors such as Franz Kafka, Garcia Marquez brought
into literature his own invention of the magical realism.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez is
one of the most recognized writers nowadays, making him an example for future writers. His influence in World Literature will
continue to occur as he is still alive and might continue creating new pieces of literature that stand as the model of writing.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez will always be remembered for his style and his spectacular usage of Magical Realism.